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We have been worked for 20 years to return the condor to the Atlantic coast of Patagonia. For more than a century it was extinct and with an enormous effort we managed to return it to its former distribution area.

Today the Government of Río Negro, without environmental impact studies having been presented, is about to cede 650,000 hectares, for 50 years, to a foreign company that intends to generate green hydrogen. A product that is not consumed in Argentina, but is required to lower the carbon footprint in other nations.

The lands are located in the heart of the Meseta de Somuncurá and given that the Management Plan for this protected natural area prevents the establishment of industries, the Government promotes its reform and the issuance of legal norms that allow its access.

The Fortescue Future Industries megaproject includes the location of wind farms in the heart of the Andean condor flight area. Collisions with the blades of wind turbines will endanger the survival of this threatened species.

We need your help so that the wind farms do not rise in Somuncura, so that this protected natural area and its condors continue to be the heritage of future generations.


By the Law of traceability of agrotoxics in Argentina Sign and share the petition

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Massive death of condors in Patagonia 2018


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Andean Condor Integral Conservation Plan

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